With a deep background in civil engineering, Proctal is well equipped to deal with infrastructure challenges. Every major project includes infrastructure components, which can support or dominate the project. Understanding the technology, the interfaces and the challenges of this project element is the key to deliver a project on time and within schedule. Proctal has worked alongside major design consultants to drive forward aggressive project schedules and procurement plans, thus ensuring that the project infrastructure is delivered with the best quality including all types: Transportation, Highways and Telecommunications.

East Port-Said Port

Irbid Ring Road

Azzour Water Distribution
Complex II |Kuwait

Severn Trent AMP6
(Asset Management Period number six) | UK

Mesaimeer Pump Stationand Outfall Tunnel

Rehabilitation of Timisoara
Wastewater Treatment Plant | Romania

Web-Based Project Management System

Waterloo Roads Improvements
Contract No. T2016-101 | Canada

Sungai Besi–Ulu Kelang
Elevated Expressway | Malaysia

East Kent Sludge and Wastewater
Treatment Plant | UK

Olympics Lot 3
Rail Over-Bridges | UK

Dundas Street Flex London

Dundas Street Flex London