Love them or hate them, heavy industries are essential to the provision of a vast range of commodities necessary for our daily life.
We all need regular use of household items derived from large scale industrial plants.
Today, we live in a culture that has been significantly shaped by the forces of industry.
However, the environmental cost of this kind of culture is not always immediately visible. To produce any single good,
there is a long chain of processes that should also be accounted for when considering the environmental cost of anything.
Proctal worked in partnership with manufacturers, funders, and governmental agencies
involved in the manufacture and environmental improvement of industrial projects.

EP3 - Nile Pharma Company

EP3 - Moharam Press Company

Beni Suef Cement Factory

Strongford THP

EP3 - Edfina Food Company

Cleaner Production Technologies
Egyptian Leather Industry | Egypt

Alyoum Farms

EP3 - Damietta Fish Factory

Beni Suef, Beba and El-Fashn
Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill | Egypt

Compak Board Plant